Dear Family and Friends,
I’ve never written a letter like this before, but I’m about to do a lot of things I’ve never done before. Since I was in eighth grade, I have wanted to go to Thailand. A group of members from our church went and I remember that I couldn’t wait to be old enough to go. Another group went to Thailand when I was in high school, but I still was not able to go. You remember when you were a kid and you wanted to ride a rollercoaster but you had to wait until you were tall enough? Every year you knew that you had grown, so you couldn’t wait to see if you were finally tall enough to ride. Over the last years, you had seen everybody else ride, and you just couldn’t wait to ride it yourself. Well, finally you walk up, and this is the year, you finally get to ride. This is my year—I’m going to Thailand!
I’m now in my junior year of college, and I have been offered the opportunity to go to Thailand on a mission trip. I have not only grown old enough to go on the trip, but I have also grown in my faith. I have discovered a lot about myself and my walk with God, and one of the main things I have learned is that I have a heart to serve. In Proverbs, when Solomon is describing the qualities to look for in finding the perfect wife, he says “She opens her hands to the oppressed people and stretches them out to the needy people.” (Proverbs 31:20) Although I am definitely not thinking about marriage, I do want to do everything I can to become the woman of God that He created me to be. One of the things I’m most passionate about in life is volunteering. It says throughout the Bible that we, as Christians, have the responsibility of taking care of the elders, widows, poor, oppressed, and the needy. This trip to Thailand is more than just an opportunity for me to visit another country; it is a chance to fulfill the words of Christ and His calling in my life.
Over 800,000 children are bought and sold in the child prostitution trade in Thailand each year. Most of these are girls between the ages of 8 and 14, not unlike some of your own daughters and nieces. When these girls should be playing with Barbies and dolls, they are instead being sold by their parents and their bodies being sold for money. My heart breaks for these little girls—God’s heart breaks for these girls. I could not imagine the experiences that these children have to endure, and I want to do everything I can to help ensure that as many children are protected from child prostitution and trafficking as possible. Global Servants established the House of Grace as a refuge for girls in Thailand who are being sold into prostitution. The opportunity for me to travel and work with these people who have dedicated so much time to saving these girls is more than I could have ever asked for.
I honestly believe that these girls might have a bigger impact on me that I do on them. I tell you all this because deciding to go to Thailand is the easy part. It’s what comes after that decision that is the challenge. I have already arranged with all my professors to take my finals early. Our flight for Thailand leaves December 7th, which is the week we normally have finals. After a somewhat painful visit to the doctor, I now have all my immunizations for the trip. The only two things I have left are what I need your help for. The trip lasts twelve days, so I am going to incur many expenses on this opportunity to be the hands and feet of God. The cost of the trip is just under $2,500. If there is any way you could support me financially for this trip, I appreciate anything you are willing to give. Believe me, any amount helps. If you are unable to contribute financially, please keep me and the rest of the team in your prayers. Most importantly, pray for the girls who are the purpose of this mission. Thank you so much, and I pray that God blesses you and your family.
In Christ’s love,
Hillary Daniel
If you want to help support me financially or send words of encouragement, my address is:
473 Island Shoals Road
Covington, Ga 30016