Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Just a thought

Sometimes things happen that we don't understand, but its up to us how we handle it. We can either let it keep us down, or we can learn and grow from it. "...consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." Rom 8:18

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I am so excited to write this blog. I can't believe that it has been almost six months since I've written a post. It's crazy how you forget about things when life gets so busy. I read a quote last week by C.S. Lewis: A man's spiritual health is exactly proportional to his love for God. wow. I've been dealing a lot with relationships lately. This isn't going to be one of those cliche rants about love and dating and all that, I mean I might talk about it some, but I'm really feeling that its much deeper. I've recently come to accept that I've lost some relationships. I've gradually seen my relationships with people slip away. I've also learned that it is impossible to have a relationship if both people aren't putting forth the same amount of effort. Some relationships aren't mean to be long term, some people are only in your life for a certain amount of time to teach you something that you need to learn. Sometimes people come back into your lives when you least expect it. If there is one thing I can say about us as humans, its that we put a great deal of value into relationships. When we are in elementary school we are best friends forever. We don't even want to lose what we have with that person, when realistically we normal lose contact with those people by the time we enter high school. In middle and high school we start dating and think we've found our true love. More often that not, that doesn't last either. I feel like we focus so much on our relationships with other people that we forget about our most important relationship. We try so hard to find love in other people when we already have it. In Proverbs 8: 17 it says "I love those who love me, and those who seek me early and diligently shall find me." I feel like out of all my relationships the one with God is the one that I most often push aside when I get busy. I get too tired to read my Bible, or only pray when I have a test or need something. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and all your strength." Mark 12:30 This is such an astonishing verse. Heart, soul, mind, and strength. Mark 12:30 are directions telling us how to keep our relationships with God strong. Loving God in each of these areas requires loving God with every aspect of our lives. If we are so focused on finding love in other people, how can we show God the love he wants from us? If we worried half as much about our relationship with God as we did about our relationships with other people, I couldn't even imagine how different things would be. One thing I truly believe when it comes to marriage is that you should find the person that brings you closer to God. Why? Because unless you have a relationship centered around God, you are never going to be satisfied with that relationship. You can't experience true love, without experiencing God. And you can't experience God if you don't build the foundation of your relationship around him. We seem to forget that God is the only one who will never leave us, he created us to love us. Lets go back to relationships with people. Friendships. The health of your friendship depends on how much effort you put into that friendship. If you never talk to that person, see that person,or call and see how things are going, then chances are the friendship isn't going to last very long. Unfortunately, you could be the one putting in all the effort, but if the action isn't reciprocated, the friendship is not going to work and it's the same way with dating. It has to be an effort of both parts. Now back to the quote by C.S. Lewis, "A man's spiritual health is exactly proportional to his love for God." This love that we mentioned earlier, not just love, but love with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. True love. I don't know if this is true for everyone else, but the more I love God and the stronger my relationship becomes with him, the better my relationships are with other people. I don't think that is just a coincidence, I think it's because he is teaching me how I'm supposed to love. I wonder how many times we have broken up with God, or let our relationship with him fade. I mean, we usually come back at some point but no matter what he is always there. No matter what we've done or how long we've been gone it's almost like we never left. "those who seek me find me" He is always there. When our relationships with other people are broken, we still have our relationship with him. “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrew 13:5 I honestly don't think I can comprehend just how powerful his love is. I think we should start evaluating our relationships and seeing how they compare to our relationship with God. Which one are we putting more effort into keeping? If we focus on our relationship with him, I am sure that he will bring us the relationships we need in our lives, and show us the relationships that are worth keeping.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


"We are mirrors of God, created to reflect him." -Ernesto Cardenal

This is one of my favorite quotes by Ernesto Cardenal. I think it is so powerful to think that we are suppose to reflect God. I started reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan last night, and in the Foreword Chris Tomlin is talking about how we were given the name Christians. In Acts 11 verse 26, it says that "the disciples were called Christians first at Antioch. Called, not named themselves, but they were called. They were labeled "Christians" by the way they lived their lives, they stood out. Unfortunately, for most people the same is not true today. I was told a few weeks ago that "Perception is reality." What you reflect is how people are going to see you. We were created to reflect God, but I cant help but realize if we were to look in the mirror, not at our physical appearance; but at our spiritual appearance what would we see? Chances are, that although we may have reflections of God, he might be hidden under the drinking, lying, stealing, and many other things that control our life. It is not a sin to drink moderately, but it does say in the Bible not to drink in excess and that leaders are held to a higher standard. I don't have a problem with other people drinking, but 2nd Peter says that we are not supposed to let our bodies be mastered by anything. My family has a problem with addictions to things. Drugs, alcohol, smoking, I would just rather not risk the chance. As I said, this isn't about drinking, it is about what we reflect. If the same people who gave the disciples the title "Christian" were to come to America today, would they be able to look at us and say "Christian."? Matthew 7:20 - "Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them." We are a people of appearances, we spend so much time and money on clothes, jewelry, shoes, makeup, hairstyles, all kinds of things to make us fit in with society. How much time do we spend working on making ourselves look like God? We are too focused on our physical appearance and not focused enough on our spiritual appearance. We weren't called to enjoy what everybody else enjoys and praise God too, we were called to be IN the world, but not OF the world. If we are suppose to be reflecting God, how are we portraying God to the world? I certainly don't serve a God who is drunk, or who cares more about clothes than does helping the poor and needy, or who lies, gossips, the list can go on. I just want God to be able to look at me and see his reflection, not my own.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sunday Service 01/03/2010


Id never been to Thailand before so these are what I was expecting to experience in the girls when I got to the House of Grace. I had been told what these girls had come from. Parents addicted to opium, one or both parents dying from AIDS, ten people living in a one bedroom home, or even a chicken coop, some abandoned by their parents, or dumped on family members who didn’t want them. I thought that I was going to see the pain, the suffering, the brokenness in the lives of these girls.
Well, when I got to the House of Grace, I did find these. I found these, but it wasn’t in the girls, it was in me. I was broken, I had heartache.


These are what welcomed me when I walked through the gates to the House of Grace. These are what came running to me and wrapped their arms around me. Hugged me. Loved me. The entire time we were there the girls wanted to spend every minute with us. Just be with us no matter what we were doing. There was no sadness, or pain, or suffering in these girls. I was going to Thailand expecting to piece the girls back together, but instead they pieced me together. The whole trip there I was thinking about how I was goin to try to impact these girls and instead they showed me my reality, I was the one who was broken. I didn’t even know I was broken.

These girls knew nothing about my past, nothing about my life in America, nothing about the mistakes Id made. None of it mattered. They loved me. They loved me like God loved me. They showed me how God instructed us to love one another. 1 Peter 1:22 says “Love each other with a warm love that comes from the heart.” A warm love. A love that when you share it, the other person can feel it. A love that is sincere. A love that comes from the heart. A love that comes from God living through us. That’s what I experienced.

You cant show others the love of God until you allow him to work through you. You have to give all of yourself to him. And it took these beautiful little girls who I only spent a week with to show me something I had been dealing with my entire life. I hadn’t been showing others the love that God has given to me, because I wasn’t allowing him to work through every area of my life. I was still holding onto things instead of letting go and letting God do what he wanted. But these girls showed me Gods love, his grace, and his mercy. These girls showed me how I was supposed to be living life, how I was suppose to love. And that’s what I want to show you.

I can not do justice to describe to you what I experienced in Thailand. Now I want to apologize ahead of time for what Im about to show you. If any of you know my mom you know she cries a lot. Well when I was filming this, I started crying and kinda forgot I was filming so at one point the camera begins to drop but I remember and continue filming. hopefully this performance will touch you as much as it touched me. Before we watch this, I want to read to a part of the lyrics.

Heal my heart and make it clean Open up my eyes to the things unseen Show me how to love like you have loved me Break my heart from what breaks yours Everything I am for your kingdoms cause As I go from nothing to Eternity.


Heal my heart and make it clean Open up my eyes to the things unseen Show me how to love like you have loved me Break my heart from what breaks yours Everything I am for your kingdoms cause As I go from nothing to Eternity.

From nothing to eternity. I could not think of a better song for these girls to perform to. These girls came from situations where they had nothing, they had no hope. And now they have eternity, they have love of Christ, and I was lucky enough for them to share that love with me. As we were saying our last goodbyes to the girls, they stood there with tears in their eyes and their arms wrapped around me, looked up at me and said “I love you, please don’t forget me.” I could never forget these girls and what they taught me, I pray that you won’t forget them either.

Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.
Ephesians 4:29