Its easy to get down when something bad happens, whether its a fight with a friend, a bad test grade, or even if you're just fed up with something in your life or having a really bad day. In 1 Peter 5:7, it says "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." We shouldnt let the little things in life get to us, because God can handle anything we have going on in our lives. It so easy to let the smallest things affect our whole life, when realistically we fail to realize all the blessings we already have, which is where the whole hero inspiration comes from. Eleanor Roosevelt said
"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'You must do the thing you think you cannot do"
I honestly have not had to come face to face with fear. Not to say sometimes I dont get stressed out, or have bad things happen, but even on my worst day, I am still lucky. After this weekend, I realized how strong people really are to be able to endure situations that I have never encountered. A car wreck, for example, is a good way to show just how fragile life can be. In the blink of an eye, a simple drive can be a life threatening situation. This weekend I met someone who not only is battling cancer, but also miracously survived a car wreck. It would be easy to be down and depressed, but no, she is positive. Its almost as if she rises above whatever life throws at her and simply looks at it as just another obstacle in life. Its truly an inspiration to see someone who has been though so much, not simply give up, but continue to live her life and be positive. I guess I just want people, and me especially, to realized how blessed we truly are, and to appreciate the life we have been given. Even on our worst day we could imagine, we are still fortunate enough to have a family, a home, so much. I mean right now there are starving children in Africa, but we were chosen to live a life here, in America, not facing the daily struggles of survival. Not having to endure chemo every week to fight off the cancer. Not overseas fighting in a war that many people seem to forget about. I just admire these people so much, to endure all these situations and still have faith.
Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:31
I think its important to reflect on how serious a problem actually is before you choose to dwell on it. I mean, yeah its ok to be upset by a bad test grade( i use test grades as an example because my test seem to be gettig harder and harder), but I mean at least you have the opportunity to receive that education. You might get into a fight with your parents, but at least they care enough to want to love you and protect you. Think about all the babies that are aborted that never get a chance at life, or to have a curfew, or to go to college. Just always be thankful for the life you are given. If something has you down, just ask yourself, Is this something that is going to matter a few months from now? a year from now? Chances are, it wont. I am so humbled that God has been bringing people into my life that I am learning from without them even realizing it. I mean, even just seeing a friend be able to smile and carry on with life when so much is going on, is truly inspiring for me. When I see people who are going through so much and can smile and laugh and just be happy even with everything going on around them, it reminds me of what all I have. These people are heroes. Being a hero is about strength. Strength to keep pushing forward. Strength to never give up.
"It's whats in a person's heart and character that makes them a hero."
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